Icetex bill will finally be easy to understand: entity announces invoice changes

In a move that seeks to show its commitment to accessibility and transparency, the president of the Colombian Institute for Educational Credit and Technical Studies Abroad (ICETEX), Mauricio Toro, reported an important change in the presentation of the Icetex bill.
The message, transmitted through his Twitter account, says: “Simplifying to make life easier for our users has been one of our goals in this first year of work. The new receipt is simple, concrete, more transparent in the information and easier to interpret”.
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Simplificar para facilitar la vida de nuestros usuarios, ha sido una de nuestras metas en este primer año de trabajo
— Mauricio Toro (@MauroToroO) August 15, 2023
El nuevo recibo es simple,concreto,más transparente en la información y más sencillo de interpretar
Seguimos avanzando por un #ICETEXmásHumano #GobiernoDelCambio
Previously, the Icetex bill used to be a source of confusion and annoyance, since the information presented was not entirely clear regarding amounts and concepts.
In view of this, the new Icetex administration decided to meet the requests of students and users of the financial entity, who have long expressed their concerns about the complexity and lack of clarity in the payment receipts.
Te escuchamos. ¡Cambiamos nuestro recibo de pago!
— ICETEX (@ICETEX) August 15, 2023
Antes era súúúper enredado y no era claro lo que se cobraba.
El nuevo recibo es transparente con la información que debes conocer de tu estado de cuenta, es concreto y fácil de interpretar. Pronto lo conocerás. #ICETEXmásHumano
Transparent and easy to interpret are the two characteristics that the entity seeks to ensure with the new design of the Icetex bill, with the objective of providing beneficiaries with essential information about their account status in a more concrete, real, clear and accessible way.
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How to download the Icetex bill?
To access the new Icetex bill, you must follow the steps below:
1. Enter the Icetex transactional portal. There the system will ask for your ID information to access the portal. If you are not registered, you must do so.
2. To download the Icetex payment receipt for partial payments, click on the ‘download blank receipt’ button.
3. According to the entity, you will be able to view and download the new payment receipt…
How to make the payment of your loan?
Icetex has also simplified the payment process for the convenience of its beneficiaries. Follow these steps to pay your loan on time and avoid late payment interest:
1. Locate your credit reference and click on the ‘enter’ button.
2. On the left side of the portal, select the ‘Payments’ option.
If you prefer the printed version of the Icetex payment receipt, select ‘download last payment receipt’. This will download a PDF file with the last Icetex payment receipt.
4. To make a partial or full payment you can use either electronic payment or payment at financial institutions.
For electronic payment, click on the PSE (Pagos Seguros en Línea) button and follow the instructions on the payment portal. If you wish to make the payment in person at a financial institution, you must click on download the receipt.
Accessibility to Colombian education
According to the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), Colombia has about two million people who do not have and cannot access higher education.
The difficulty to afford higher education has led many young people to turn to financial institutions in search of opportunities and solutions to fulfill their academic dreams.
This has caused a large part of the Colombian population to have very large debts with these entities in order to be able to pay for their higher education in the country, according to the Ministry of Education.
In view of this situation, the changes in the way credit information is presented on the Icetex bill may represent an important change for the accessibility and understanding of financial information with the entity.
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