Land passenger transportation in Colombia continues to grow: it mobilizes three times more passengers than air transportation

Hernando Tatis
Executive Director Transportation Chamber - ANDI - Asociación Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia (National Association of Colombian Entrepreneurs)
In Colombia, the land passenger transportation sector, in the inter-municipal mode, mobilized a total of 102 million passengers in trips initiated from the 52 transportation terminals in the country during the year 2022. This is a very important figure if we take into account that air transportation mobilized only 32 million passengers in domestic flights during the same year.
This indicates that, at present, this sector is the means used by most Colombians to travel from one city to another. Compared to air transportation, land transportation mobilizes three times more passengers. However, the challenges facing this sector are many.
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One of the main ones is the energy transition, a challenging process that seeks to change the energy matrix from non-renewable to renewable and sustainable energy sources.
The country already has important initiatives, such as buses that run 100% on natural gas. The first bus was launched at the beginning of the year in the Atlantic Coast and recently in the Department of Boyacá, the sector launched the second bus.
These actions are aimed at improving ecosystems as a commitment to innovation, allowing a 64% reduction in the emission of polluting gasses compared to a conventional vehicle with similar characteristics. In addition, it allows a 99% reduction in particulate matter, which demonstrates the sector’s commitment to energy transformation.
Nevertheless, we still have a long way to go. Currently, 95% of passengers are transported in vehicles that run on diesel fuel. This dependence on fossil fuels is one of the biggest challenges for the energy transition. These energy sources are responsible for the emission of large amounts of greenhouse gasses.
Overcoming dependence on fossil fuels requires the implementation of policies and measures that promote the use of renewable energies and the adoption of clean technologies.
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Likewise, the country requires an infrastructure for energy storage, since the path towards renewable energy sources poses challenges in terms of the necessary infrastructure for its capture and distribution.
In addition, we need to be successful in the execution of ongoing projects for the construction of wind farms, solar plants and electricity transmission networks that can efficiently handle the intermittent generation of renewable energies to guarantee a constant and reliable supply.
Undoubtedly, none of this will be possible if we do not overcome the challenges associated with the economics of the energy transition. Although the cost of renewables has decreased in recent years, there are still significant economic barriers to large-scale deployment.
It is necessary to develop support policies, incentives and financing mechanisms that encourage the adoption of clean energy and reduce the costs associated with the acquisition of buses with these technologies.
Finally, the energy transition implies a change of mentality and greater public awareness of the importance and benefits of renewable energies. It is essential to generate greater social acceptance of clean technologies and promote the participation of society. This means educating and raising awareness of the economic and environmental benefits of renewable energies.
The above are just some of the challenges that we must overcome as a country, in order to ensure that the movement of land passenger transportation is carried out in a more environmentally friendly way.
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